.. |GVar| replace:: :class:`gvar.GVar` .. |nonlinear_fit| replace:: :class:`lsqfit.nonlinear_fit` .. |BufferDict| replace:: :class:`gvar.BufferDict` .. |~| unicode:: U+00A0 :trim: .. _outliers: Case Study: Outliers and Bayesian Integrals ===================================================== In this case study, we analyze a fit with outliers in the data that distort the least-squares solution. We show one approach to dealing with the outliers that requires using Bayesian integrals in place of least-squares fitting, to fit the data while also modeling the outliers. This case study is adapted from an example by Jake Vanderplas on his `Python blog `_. It is also discussed in the documentation for the :mod:`vegas` module. The Problem ------------------ We want to extrapolate a set of data values ``y`` to ``x=0`` fitting a linear fit function (``fitfcn(x,p)``) to the data:: import numpy as np import gvar as gv import lsqfit def main(): # least-squares fit to the data x = np.array([ 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1., 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2., 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3., 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8 ]) y = gv.gvar([ '0.38(20)', '2.89(20)', '0.85(20)', '0.59(20)', '2.88(20)', '1.44(20)', '0.73(20)', '1.23(20)', '1.68(20)', '1.36(20)', '1.51(20)', '1.73(20)', '2.16(20)', '1.85(20)', '2.00(20)', '2.11(20)', '2.75(20)', '0.86(20)', '2.73(20)' ]) fit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(data=(x, y), prior=make_prior(), fcn=fitfcn) print(fit) def fitfcn(x, p): c = p['c'] return c[0] + c[1] * x def make_prior(): prior = gv.BufferDict(c=gv.gvar(['0(5)', '0(5)'])) return prior if __name__ == '__main__': main() The fit is not good, with a ``chi**2`` per degree of freedom that is much larger than one, despite rather broad priors for the intercept and slope: .. literalinclude:: case-outliers-lsq.out The problem is evident if we plot the data: .. image:: case-outliers1.png :width: 60% At least three of the data points are outliers: they disagree with other nearby points by several standard deviations. These outliers have a big impact on the fit (dashed line). In particular they pull the ``x=0`` intercept (``fit.p['c'][0]``) up above one, while the rest of the data suggest an intercept of 0.5 or less. A Solution ------------------ There are many *ad hoc* prescriptions for handling outliers. In the best of situations one would have an explanation for the outliers and seek to model them accordingly. For example, we might know that some fraction ``w`` of the time our detector malfunctions, resulting in much larger measurement errors than usual. This model can be represented by a more complicated probability density function (PDF) for the data that consists of a linear combination of the normal PDF with another PDF that is similar but with much larger errors. The relative weights assigned to these two terms would be ``1-w`` and ``w``, respectively. A modified data prior of this sort is incompatible with the least-squares code in :mod:`lsqfit`. Here we will incorporate it by replacing the least-squares analysis with a Bayesian integral, where the normal PDF is replaced by a modified PDF of the sort described above. The complete code for this analysis is as follows:: import numpy as np import gvar as gv import lsqfit import vegas def main(): ### 1) least-squares fit to the data x = np.array([ 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1., 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2., 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3., 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8 ]) y = gv.gvar([ '0.38(20)', '2.89(20)', '0.85(20)', '0.59(20)', '2.88(20)', '1.44(20)', '0.73(20)', '1.23(20)', '1.68(20)', '1.36(20)', '1.51(20)', '1.73(20)', '2.16(20)', '1.85(20)', '2.00(20)', '2.11(20)', '2.75(20)', '0.86(20)', '2.73(20)' ]) prior = make_prior() print(20 * '-', 'nonlinear_fit') fit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(data=(x, y), prior=prior, fcn=fitfcn) print(fit) ### 2) Bayesian integrals with modified PDF print(20 * '-', 'Bayesian integral fit') modpdf = ModifiedPDF(data=(x, y), fitfcn=fitfcn, prior=prior) # integrator for expectation values with modified PDF modpdf_ev = vegas.PDFIntegrator(param=fit.p, pdf=modpdf) # adapt integrator to pdf modpdf_ev(neval=4000, nitn=10) # calculate means and covariances of g(p) @vegas.rbatchintegrand def f(p): return {k:p[k] for k in ['c', 'b', 'w']} s = modpdf_ev.stats(f) # print out results print(s.summary()) print('c =', s['c']) print('corr(c) =', str(gv.evalcorr(s['c'])).replace('\n', '\n' + 10*' '), '\n') print('b =', s['b']) print('w =', s['w'], '\n') print('logBF =', np.log(s.pdfnorm)) def fitfcn(x, p): c = p['c'] return c[0] + c[1] * x def make_prior(): prior = gv.BufferDict(c=gv.gvar(['0(5)', '0(5)'])) prior['gb(b)'] = gv.BufferDict.uniform('gb', 5., 20.) prior['gw(w)'] = gv.BufferDict.uniform('gw', 0., 1.) return prior @vegas.rbatchintegrand class ModifiedPDF: """ Modified PDF to account for measurement failure. """ def __init__(self, data, fitfcn, prior): x, y = data self.fitfcn = fitfcn self.prior_pdf = gv.PDF(prior, mode='rbatch') # add rbatch index self.x = x[:, None] self.ymean = gv.mean(y)[:, None] self.yvar = gv.var(y)[:, None] def __call__(self, p): w = p['w'] b = p['b'] # modified PDF for data fxp = self.fitfcn(self.x, p) chi2 = (self.ymean - fxp) ** 2 / self.yvar norm = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * self.yvar) y_pdf = np.exp(-chi2 / 2) / norm yb_pdf = np.exp(-chi2 / (2 * b**2)) / (b * norm) # product over probabilities for each y[i] data_pdf = np.prod((1 - w) * y_pdf + w * yb_pdf, axis=0) # multiply by prior PDF return data_pdf * self.prior_pdf(p) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Here class ``ModifiedPDF`` implements the modified PDF. As usual the PDF for the parameters (in ``__call__``) is the product of a PDF for the data times a PDF for the priors. The data PDF is the product of the PDFs for each data point, but the latter PDFs are more complicated than usual as they consists of two Gaussian distributions: one with the nominal data errors (``y_pdf``), and the other with errors that are ``b`` times times larger (``yb_pdf``). The prior's PDF is Gaussian and here is implemented use ``gvar.PDF``. Parameter ``w`` determines the relative weight of each data PDF. ``ModifiedPDF`` is designed to handle integration points in batches (``@vegas.rbatchintegrand``): the parameters ``p[k]`` have an extra index on the right labeling the integration point (e.g., ``p['b'][i]`` and ``p['c'][d,i] where ``i`` is the batch index). This makes for substantially faster integrals. The Bayesian integrals are estimated using :class:`vegas.PDFIntegrator` ``modpdf_ev``, which is created from the least-squares fit output (``fit``). It is used to evaluate expectation values of arbitrary functions of the fit variables with respect to a modified PDF ``modpdf`` (an instance of class ``ModifiedPDF``). We have modified ``make_prior()`` to introduce ``w`` and ``b`` as new fit parameters. The prior for ``w`` is uniformly distributed across the interval from 0 to 1, while ``b``'s prior is uniformly distributed between 5 and 20. Parameters ``w`` and ``b`` play no role in the initial least-squares fit. (The uniform distributions are implemented by introducing functions ``gw(w)`` and ``gb(b)`` that map them onto Gaussian distributions 0 ± 1. The integration parameters in the Bayesian integrals are ``gw(w)`` and ``gb(b)`` but the ``BufferDict`` dictionary makes the corresponding values of ``w`` and ``b`` available automatically.) We first call ``modpdf_ev`` with no function, to allow the integrator to adapt to the modified PDF. We then use ``modpdf_ev.stats(f)`` to calculate the means, standard deviations, and covariances of the fit parameters in the dictionary returned by function ``f(p)``. The output dictionary ``s`` contains expectation values (|GVar|\s) for the corresponding entries in ``f(p)``. The results from this code are as follows: .. literalinclude:: case-outliers.out The table after the fit shows results for the normalization of the modified PDF from each of ``nitn=10`` iterations of the :mod:`vegas` algorithm used to estimate the integrals. The logarithm of the normalization (``logBF``) is -23.8, which is much larger than the value -117.5 of ``logGBF`` from the least-squares fit. This means that the data much prefer the modified PDF (by a factor of ``exp(-23.8 + 117.4)`` or about 10\ :sup:`40`). The new fit parameters are much more reasonable. In particular the intercept is 0.29(14) rather than the 1.15(10) from the least-squares fit. This is much better suited to the data (see the dashed line in red, with the red band showing the 1-sigma region about the best fit): .. image:: case-outliers2.png :width: 60% Note, from the correlation matrix, that the intercept and slope are anti-correlated, as one might guess for this fit. The analysis also gives us an estimate for the failure rate ``w=0.27(12)`` of our detectors (they fail about a quarter of the time) and the extent ``b=11(4)`` of the failure (errors are about 11 times larger). A Variation ------------------ A slightly different model for the failure that leads to outliers assigns a different ``w`` to each data point. It is easily implemented here by changing the prior so that ``w`` is an array:: def make_prior(): prior = gv.BufferDict(c=gv.gvar(['0(5)', '0(5)'])) prior['gb(b)'] = gv.BufferDict.uniform('gb', 5., 20.) prior['gw(w)'] = gv.BufferDict.uniform('gw', 0., 1., shape=19) return prior The Bayesian integral then has 22 parameters, rather than the 4 parameters before. The code still takes only a few seconds to run (on a 2020 laptop). The final results are quite similar to the other model: .. literalinclude:: case-outliers-multi.out Note that the logarithm of the Bayes Factor ``logBF`` is slightly lower for this model than before. It is also less accurately determined (18x), because 22-parameter integrals are considerably more difficult than 4-parameter integrals. More precision can be obtained by increasing ``neval``, but the current precision is more than adequate. Only three of the ``w[i]`` values listed in the output are more than two standard deviations away from zero. Not surprisingly, these correspond to the unambiguous outliers. The outliers in this case are pretty obvious; one is tempted to simply drop them. It is clearly better, however, to understand why they have occurred and to quantify the effect if possible, as above. Dropping outliers would be much more difficult if they were, say, three times closer to the rest of the data. The least-squares fit would still be poor (``chi**2`` per degree of freedom of 3) and its intercept a bit too high (0.6(1)). Using the modified PDF, on the other hand, would give results very similar to what we obtained above: for example, the intercept would be 0.35(17).