:mod:`scipy` Routines =============================================== .. |GVar| replace:: :class:`gvar.GVar` .. |nonlinear_fit| replace:: :class:`lsqfit.nonlinear_fit` .. |BufferDict| replace:: :class:`gvar.BufferDict` Fitter -------- :mod:`lsqfit` uses routines from the open-source :mod:`scipy` Python module provided it is installed. These routines are used in place of GSL routines if the latter are not installed. There is one fitter available for use by |nonlinear_fit|. .. autoclass:: lsqfit.scipy_least_squares Minimizer ---------- The :func:`lsqfit.empbayes_fit` uses a minimizer from the :mod:`scipy` module to minimize ``logGBF``. .. autoclass:: lsqfit.scipy_multiminex(x0, f, tol=1e-4, maxit=1000, step=1, alg='nmsimplex2', analyzer=None)