Non-Gaussian Behavior; Testing Fits


The various analyses in the Tutorial assume implicitly that every probability distribution relevant to a fit is Gaussian. The input data and priors are assumed Gaussian. The chi**2 function is assumed to be well approximated by a Gaussian in the vicinity of its minimum, in order to estimate uncertainties for the best-fit parameters. Functions of those parameters are assumed to yield results that are described by Gaussian random variables. These assumptions are usually pretty good for high-statistics data, when standard deviations are small, but can lead to problems with low statistics.

Here we present three methods for testing these assumptions. Some of these techniques, like the statistical bootstrap and Bayesian integration, can also be used to analyze non-Gaussian results.

Bayesian Integrals

lsqfit.vegas_fit provides an alternative fitting strategy (multi-dimensional Bayesian integrals) from that used by lsqfit.nonlinear_fit. Both approaches assume that the fit parameters are described by a probability distribution whose probability density function (PDF) is proportional to \exp(-\chi^2(p)/2). \chi^2(p) has contributions from both the data and the prior:

\chi^2(p) \equiv \Delta y^T \cdot\mathrm{cov}^{-1}_y \cdot \Delta y
\: + \:
\Delta p^T \cdot\mathrm{cov}^{-1}_\mathrm{prior}\cdot\Delta p,

where \Delta y_i \equiv \overline y_i - f(x_i,p) and \Delta p_i\equiv \overline p_i^\mathrm{prior} - p_i. Both of these approaches characterize this distribution by specifying best-fit mean values and covariances for the fit parameters (packaged as an array or dictionary of gvar.GVars). lsqfit.nonlinear_fit estimates the mean values and covariances from the minimum of \chi^2(p) and its curvature at the minimum, while lsqfit.vegas_fit calculates the actual means and standard deviations of the parameters by evaluating the following integrals:

\overline p_i &\equiv \frac{1}{N_\mathrm{pdf}}\int d^np\,p_i\,\mathrm{e}^{-\chi^2(p)/2}\\[1.5ex]
\mathrm{cov}(p_i,p_j) &\equiv \frac{1}{N_\mathrm{pdf}}\int d^np\,(p_i - \overline p_i)(p_j - \overline p_j)\,\mathrm{e}^{-\chi^2(p)/2}\\[1.5ex]
N_\mathrm{pdf} &\equiv \int d^np\,\mathrm{e}^{-\chi^2(p)/2}

The integrals are evaluated numerically, using adaptive Monte Carlo integration (PDFIntegrator from the vegas module). The best-fit results from the two approaches agree when \chi^2(p) is well approximated by the quadratic expansion around its minimum — that is, insofar as \exp(-\chi^2(p)/2) is well approximated by a Gaussian distribution in the parameters. But the results can differ significantly otherwise; the output from nonlinear_fit is the Gaussian approximation to that from vegas_fit.

To compare vegas_fit with nonlinear_fit, we revisit the analysis in the section on Correlated Parameters; Gaussian Bayes Factor. We modify the end of the main() function in the original code to repeat the analysis using vegas_fit:

import numpy as np
import gvar as gv
import lsqfit
import vegas

def main():
    x, y = make_data()
    prior = make_prior()

    # nonlinear_fit
    fit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(prior=prior, data=(x,y), fcn=fcn)
    print(20 * '-', 'nonlinear_fit')
    print('p1/p0 =', fit.p[1] / fit.p[0], '   prod(p) =',
    print('corr(p0,p1) = {:.2f}'.format(gv.evalcorr(fit.p[:2])[1,0]), '\n')

    # vegas_fit
    vfit = lsqfit.vegas_fit(prior=prior, data=(x,y), fcn=fcn)
    print(20 * '-', 'vegas_fit')
    # measure p1/p0 and prod(p)
    def g(p):
        return {'p1/p0':p[1] / p[0], 'prod(p)', axis=0)}
    s = vfit.stats(g)
    print('p1/p0 =', s['p1/p0'], '   prod(p) =', s['prod(p)'])
    print('corr(p0,p1) = {:.2f}'.format(gv.evalcorr(vfit.p[:2])[1,0]))

def make_data():
    x = np.array([
        4., 2., 1., 0.5, 0.25, 0.167, 0.125, 0.1, 0.0833, 0.0714, 0.0625
    y = gv.gvar([
        '0.198(14)', '0.216(15)', '0.184(23)', '0.156(44)', '0.099(49)',
        '0.142(40)', '0.108(32)', '0.065(26)', '0.044(22)', '0.041(19)',
    return x, y

def make_prior():
    p = gv.gvar(['0(1)', '0(1)', '0(1)', '0(1)'])
    p[1] = 20 * p[0] + gv.gvar('0.0(1)')        # p[1] correlated with p[0]
    return p

def fcn(x, p):
    if p.ndim == 2:
        # add batch index to x if in batch mode
        x = x[:, None]
    return (p[0] * (x**2 + p[1] * x)) / (x**2 + x * p[2] + p[3])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running this code gives the following output:

-------------------- nonlinear_fit
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.61 [11]    Q = 0.82    logGBF = 19.129

              0   0.149 (17)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              1    2.97 (34)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
              2    1.23 (61)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
              3    0.59 (15)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 18/0.0s)

p1/p0 = 19.97(67)    prod(p) = 0.32(28)
corr(p0,p1) = 0.96

-------------------- vegas_fit
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.66 [11]    Q = 0.78    logBF = 19.141(18)

              0   0.155 (14)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              1    3.11 (30)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
              2    1.45 (54)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
              3    0.70 (18)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    (time = 0.1s)
  fitter = vegas_fit    (chi2/dof [dof] = 0.85 [135]    Q = 0.89)

p1/p0 = 19.99(65)    prod(p) = 0.56(40)
corr(p0,p1) = 0.94

There are several things to notice about these results:

  • The fit results vfit.p from lsqfit.vegas_fit are quite similar to those from lsqfit.nonlinear_fit (fit.p), as are vfit.chi2 and fit.chi2, and vfit.logBF and fit.logGBF. This suggests that the Gaussian approximation used by lsqfit.nonlinear_fit is a reasonable approximation to the full Bayesian analysis used by lsqfit.vegas_fit.

  • vfit.logBF has an uncertainty of about 0.1%. This comes from the uncertainty in the vegas estimate of the norm of the PDF (N_\mathrm{pdf} above). vegas uses adaptive Monte Carlo integration to estimate the values of integrals, as well as the uncertainties in those estimates.

    The accuracy of lsqfit.vegas_fit’s integrals can almost always be improved by using information from the fit with lsqfit.nonlinear_fit. For example, replacing the vfit line in the code above with

    vfit = lsqfit.vegas_fit(prior=prior, data=(x,y), fcn=fcn, param=fit.p)

    reduces the error on vfit.logBF by about a factor of two:

    -------------------- vegas_fit   (param=fit.p)
    Least Squares Fit:
      chi2/dof [dof] = 0.66 [11]    Q = 0.78    logBF = 19.159(8)
                  0   0.155 (15)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
                  1    3.09 (31)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
                  2    1.44 (56)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
                  3    0.70 (20)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
      svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    (time = 0.1s)
      fitter = vegas_fit    (chi2/dof [dof] = 0.85 [135]    Q = 0.9)
    p1/p0 = 20.00(65)    prod(p) = 0.54(40)
    corr(p0,p1) = 0.95

    The integrals for the means and covariances are similarly improved (compare vfit.p.vegas_mean and vfit.p.vegas_cov with and without param=fit.p).

    The integrator re-expresses the fit parameter integrals in terms of new variables that are optimized for integrating the (Gaussian) distribution corresponding to param. By default param=prior, but param=fit.p is almost certainly a better match to the actual PDF used in the integrals.

    A more succinct way to use results from lsqfit.nonlinear_fit object fit is

    vfit = lsqfit.vegas_fit(fit=fit)

    where vfit’s prior, data, and fcn are copied from fit.

  • Values for p[1]/p[0] and for the product of all the p[i]s are obtained from vfit.stats(g). This uses vfit’s (trained) integrator to evaluate the means and covariances of the components of g(p). While results from the two fits agree well on p[1]/p[0], results for prod(p) do not agree so well. This suggests that the distribution for prod(p) in not as well approximated by a Gaussian.

    More information about the distributions can be obtained from vfit.stats by using keywords moments and histograms:

    s = vfit.stats(g, moments=True, histograms=True)
    for k in s.stats:
        print('\n' + 20 * '-', k)
        plot = s.stats[k].plot_histogram()

    This results in the following output

    -------------------- p1/p0
       mean = 19.9973(45)   sdev = 0.6500(39)   skew = 0.046(23)   ex_kurt = 0.084(46)
       split-normal: 19.972(15) +/- 0.6682(97)/0.6350(97)
             median: 19.9901(68) +/- 0.663(10)/0.648(10)
    -------------------- prod(p)
       mean = 0.5434(26)   sdev = 0.4008(48)   skew = 1.783(62)   ex_kurt = 4.87(48)
       split-normal: 0.13617(99) +/- 0.5779(44)/0.0476(19)
             median: 0.4387(28) +/- 0.4458(54)/0.2353(33)

    together with histogram plots for the distributions of p[1]/p[0] and prod(p):


    The distribution for prod(p) is clearly skewed. The plot shows the actual distribution (gray bars) and the Gaussian (blue dots) corresponding to s['prod(p)'], 0.55 ± 0.41. It also shows fits to two two-sided Gaussian models: one that is continuous (split-normal, solid green line) and another centered on the median that is discontinuous (red dashes). The median fit suggests that a better description of the prod(p) distribution might be 0.44 plus 0.45 minus 0.24, although any of the three models gives a reasonable impression of the range of possible values for prod(p).

  • A simple way to create histograms and contour plots of the probability density is from samples drawn from the underlying distribution used in the fit:

    import corner
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    wgts,psamples = vfit.sample(nbatch=100_000)
    samples = dict()
    samples['p3'] = psamples[3]
    samples['p1/p0'] = psamples[1] / psamples[0]
    samples['prod(p)'] =, axis=0)
        data=samples, weights=wgts, range=3 * [0.99],
        show_titles=True, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84]

    Here lsqfit.vegas_fit.sample() is used to draw approximately 100,000 samples whose weighted density is proportional to \exp(-\chi^2(p)/2). The samples corresponding to parameter p[d] are psamples[d, i] where i=0,1,2...100_000(approx); the corresponding weights are wgts[i]. Samples for the quantities of interest are collected in dictionary samples. The corner Python module is used to create histograms of the probability density for each of the quantities in sample; it also creates contour plots of the joint densities for each pair of quantities:


    The histograms are labeled by the median value plus or minus intervals that each enclose 34% of the probability (quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84]).

    The corner module (and the arviz module) must be installed separately.

  • A vegas integration is much faster if the integrand can process large batches of integration points simultaneously. An example is fcn(x, p) above. When called by lsqfit.nonlinear_fit, parameter p represents a single point in parameter space with coordinates p[d] where d=0...3. When called by vegas_fit (in rbatch mode), p represents a large number of points in parameter space with coordinates p[d,i] where d=0...3 labels the direction in parameter space, and i, the batch index, labels the different points in parameter space. The function checks to see if it is being used in batch mode, and adds a batch index to x if it is. The decorator @vegas.rbatchintegrand tells vegas that the function can be called in batch mode. (See the vegas documentation for more information.)

  • vegas uses an iterative algorithm to adapt to the PDF. By default, lsqfit.vegas_fit uses 10 iterations to train the integrator to the PDF, and then 10 more, without further adaptation, to evaluate the integrals for the means \overline p_i and covariances \mathrm{cov}(p_i,p_j) of the fit parameters, and the PDF’s norm N_\mathrm{pdf} (see equations above). Printing shows estimates for the norm N_\mathrm{pdf} from each of the first 10 iterations (here without param=fit.p):

    itn   integral        wgt average     chi2/dof        Q
      1   6.7(6.7)e-06    6.7(6.7)e-06        0.00     1.00
      2   1.04(41)e-06    1.06(41)e-06        0.71     0.40
      3   0.0012(11)      1.06(41)e-06        0.98     0.37
      4   2.8(1.0)e-05    1.11(41)e-06        2.93     0.03
      5   2.90(76)e-05    1.19(41)e-06        5.59     0.00
      6   7.4(3.3)e-05    1.20(41)e-06        5.47     0.00
      7   4.44(83)e-05    1.30(41)e-06        9.02     0.00
      8   4.66(67)e-05    1.47(41)e-06       14.32     0.00
      9   5.26(79)e-05    1.61(41)e-06       17.73     0.00
     10   4.40(27)e-05    2.57(40)e-06       43.03     0.00

    The uncertainties in the first column are 25–60 times smaller after vegas has adapted to the PDF. vegas averages results from different iterations, but results from the training iterations are frequently unreliable and so are discarded. The final results come from the final 10 iterations (see vfit.p.summary()).

    The accuracy of the integrals is determined by the number of iterations nitn used and, especially, by the number of integrand evaluations neval allowed for each iteration. The defaults for these parameters are nitn=(10,10) and neval=1000. The following

    vfit = lsqfit.vegas_fit(fit=fit, nitn=(6, 10), neval=100_000)

    reduces the number of training iterations to 6 but also increases the number of integrand evaluations by a factor of 100. The integration errors are then about 20 times smaller, which is much smaller than is needed here. This particular problem, however, is relatively easy for vegas; other problems could well require hundreds of thousands or millions of integration evaluations per iteration.

  • At the end of Correlated Parameters; Gaussian Bayes Factor, we examined what happened to the lsqfit.nonlinear_fit when the correlation (p[1] is approximately 20*p[0]) was removed from the prior by setting

    prior = gv.gvar(['0(1)', '0(20)', '0(1)', '0(1)']).

    The fit result is completely different with the uncorrelated prior when using lsqfit.nonlinear_fit. This is not the case with lsqfit.vegas_fit, where the uncorrelated prior leads to the following fit:

    -------------------- vegas_fit   (uncorrelated prior)
    Least Squares Fit:
      chi2/dof [dof] = 0.91 [11]    Q = 0.53    logBF = 18.566(793)
                  0   0.126 (25)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
                  1    4.6 (1.2)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
                  2    1.28 (27)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
                  3    1.04 (27)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
      svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    (time = 0.1s)
      fitter = vegas_fit    (chi2/dof [dof] = 0.58 [135]    Q = 1)
    p1/p0 = 18.2(8.6)    prod(p) = 0.45(43)
    corr(p0,p1) = -0.93

    These results are quite similar to what is obtained with the correlated prior, although less accurate. This suggests that the Gaussian approximation assumed by lsqfit.nonlinear_fit is unreliable for the uncorrelated problem. This might have been anticipated since three of the four parameters have means that are effectively zero (compared to their standard deviations).

A central assumption when using lsqfit.nonlinear_fit or lsqfit.vegas_fit is that the data are drawn from a Gaussian distribution. Case Study: Outliers and Bayesian Integrals shows how to use vegas.PDFIntegrator directly, rather than lsqfit.vegas_fit, when the input data are not Gaussian. It discusses two versions of a fit, one with 5 parameters and the other with 22 parameters.

Bootstrap Error Analysis; Non-Gaussian Output

The bootstrap provides another way to check on a fit’s validity, and also a method for analyzing non-Gaussian outputs. The strategy is to:

  1. make a large number of “bootstrap copies” of the original input data and prior that differ from each other by random amounts characteristic of the underlying randomness in the original data and prior (see the documentation for

    for more information);

  2. repeat the entire fit analysis for each bootstrap copy of the data and prior, extracting fit results from each;

  3. use the variation of the fit results from bootstrap copy to bootstrap copy to determine an approximate probability distribution (possibly non-Gaussian) for the each result.

To illustrate, we revisit the fit in the section on Positive Parameters; Non-Gaussian Priors, where the goal is to average noisy data subject to the constraint that the average must be positive. The constraint is likely to introduce strong distortions in the probability density function (PDF) given that the fit analysis suggests a value of 0.011 ± 0.013. We will use a bootstrap analysis to investigate the distribution of the average. We do this by adding code right after the fit:

import gvar as gv
import lsqfit
import numpy as np

y = gv.gvar([
    '-0.17(20)', '-0.03(20)', '-0.39(20)', '0.10(20)', '-0.03(20)',
    '0.06(20)', '-0.23(20)', '-0.23(20)', '-0.15(20)', '-0.01(20)',
    '-0.12(20)', '0.05(20)', '-0.09(20)', '-0.36(20)', '0.09(20)',
    '-0.07(20)', '-0.31(20)', '0.12(20)', '0.11(20)', '0.13(20)'

# nonlinear_fit
prior = gv.BufferDict()
prior['f(a)'] = gv.BufferDict.uniform('f', 0, 0.04)

def fcn(p, N=len(y)):
    return N * [p['a']]

fit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(prior=prior, data=y, fcn=fcn)
print(20 * '-', 'nonlinear_fit')
print('a =', fit.p['a'])

# Nbs bootstrap copies
Nbs = 1000
a = []
for bsfit in fit.bootstrapped_fit_iter(Nbs):
avg_a = gv.dataset.avg_data(a, spread=True)
print('\n' + 20 * '-', 'bootstrap')
print('a =', avg_a)
counts,bins = np.histogram(a, density=True)
s = gv.PDFStatistics(histogram=(bins, counts))
plot = s.plot_histogram()

fit.bootstrapped_fit_iter(Nbs) produces fits bsfit for each of Nbs=1000 different bootstrap copies of the input data (y and the prior). We collect the mean values for parameter a, ignoring the uncertainties, and then calculate the average and standard deviation from these results using gvar.dataset.avg_data(). We then use gvar.PDFStatistics to analyze the distribution of the a values and create a histogram of its PDF.

The bootstrap estimate for a agrees reasonably well with the result from lsqfit.nonlinear_fit, but the statistical analysis shows that the distribution of a values is skewed (towards positive a values):

-------------------- nonlinear_fit
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.85 [20]    Q = 0.65    logGBF = 5.2385

           f(a)   -0.59 (96)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              a   0.011 (13)     [ 0.020 (16) ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 15/0.1s)

a = 0.011(13)

-------------------- bootstrap
a = 0.014(10)
   mean = 0.013974667685490355   sdev = 0.010333   skew = 0.86437   ex_kurt = -0.22463
   split-normal: None
         median: 0.011050094668754508 +/- 0.014386/0.0069843

This is confirmed by the histogram:


Fitting with lsqfit.vegas_fit rather than lsqfit.nonlinear_fit gives the same result as the bootstrap for the average value of a, but is 10x faster (and more accurate):

-------------------- vegas_fit
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.85 [20]    Q = 0.65    logBF = 5.1599(3)

           f(a)   -0.50 (93)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              a   0.014 (10)     [ 0.020 (16) ]  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    (time = 0.3s)
  fitter = vegas_fit    (chi2/dof [dof] = 1.2 [54]    Q = 0.14)

The histogram from lsqfit.vegas_fit is also similar to that from the bootstrap.

Testing Fits with Simulated Data

Ideally we would test a fitting protocol by doing fits of data similar to our actual fit but where we know the correct values for the fit parameters ahead of the fit. Method

returns an iterator that creates any number of such simulations of the original fit.

A key assumption underlying least-squares fitting is that the fit data y[i] are random samples from a distribution whose mean is the fit function fcn(x, fitp) evaluated with the best-fit values fitp for the parameters. simulated_fit_iter iterators generate simulated data by drawing other random samples from the same distribution, assigning them the same covariance matrix as the original data. The simulated data are fit using the same priors and fitter settings as in the original fit, and the results (an lsqfit.nonlinear_fit object) are returned by the iterator. The fits with simulated data should have good chi**2 values, and the results from these fits should agree, within errors, with the original fit results since the simulated data are from the same distribution as the original data. There is a problem with the fitting protocol if this is not the case most of the time.

To illustrate we again examine the fits in the section on Correlated Parameters; Gaussian Bayes Factor: we add three fit simulations at the end of the main() function:

import numpy as np
import gvar as gv
import lsqfit

def main():
    x, y = make_data()
    prior = make_prior()
    fit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(prior=prior, data=(x,y), fcn=fcn)
    print(40 * '*' + ' real fit')

    # 3 simulated fits
    for sfit in fit.simulated_fit_iter(n=3):
        # print simulated fit details
        print(40 * '=' + ' simulation')

        # compare simulated fit results with exact values (pexact=fit.pmean)
        diff = sfit.p - sfit.pexact
        print('\nsfit.p - pexact =', diff)

def make_data():
    x = np.array([
        4.    ,  2.    ,  1.    ,  0.5   ,  0.25  ,  0.167 ,  0.125 ,
        0.1   ,  0.0833,  0.0714,  0.0625
    y = gv.gvar([
        '0.198(14)', '0.216(15)', '0.184(23)', '0.156(44)', '0.099(49)',
        '0.142(40)', '0.108(32)', '0.065(26)', '0.044(22)', '0.041(19)',
    return x, y

def make_prior():
    p = gv.gvar(['0(1)', '0(1)', '0(1)', '0(1)'])
    p[1] = 20 * p[0] + gv.gvar('0.0(1)')        # p[1] correlated with p[0]
    return p

def fcn(x, p):
    return (p[0] * (x**2 + p[1] * x)) / (x**2 + x * p[2] + p[3])

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code produces the following output, showing how the input data fluctuate from simulation to simulation:

**************************************** real fit
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.61 [11]    Q = 0.82    logGBF = 19.129

              0   0.149 (17)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              1    2.97 (34)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
              2    1.23 (61)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
              3    0.59 (15)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  

     x[k]          y[k]      f(x[k],p)
        4    0.198 (14)     0.193 (11)  
        2    0.216 (15)     0.210 (10)  
        1    0.184 (23)     0.209 (15)  *
      0.5    0.156 (44)     0.177 (15)  
     0.25    0.099 (49)     0.124 (13)  
    0.167    0.142 (40)     0.094 (12)  *
    0.125    0.108 (32)     0.075 (11)  *
      0.1    0.065 (26)    0.0629 (96)  
   0.0833    0.044 (22)    0.0538 (87)  
   0.0714    0.041 (19)    0.0471 (79)  
   0.0625    0.044 (16)    0.0418 (72)  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 18/0.1s)

======================================== simulation
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 1.4 [11]    Q = 0.18    logGBF = 13.7

              0   0.118 (11)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              1    2.36 (24)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
              2    0.28 (34)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              3   0.416 (83)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  

     x[k]          y[k]      f(x[k],p)
        4    0.170 (14)     0.171 (11)  
        2    0.211 (15)     0.207 (10)  
        1    0.227 (23)     0.234 (17)  
      0.5    0.184 (44)     0.209 (21)  
     0.25    0.167 (49)     0.140 (16)  
    0.167    0.211 (40)     0.101 (13)  **
    0.125    0.028 (32)     0.078 (11)  *
      0.1    0.087 (26)    0.0638 (97)  
   0.0833    0.017 (22)    0.0537 (86)  *
   0.0714    0.054 (19)    0.0464 (77)  
   0.0625    0.034 (16)    0.0408 (69)  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 9/0.0s)

sfit.p - pexact = [-0.031(11) -0.61(24) -0.95(34) -0.178(83)]
chi2/dof [dof] = 3 [4]    Q = 0.018
======================================== simulation
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 1.4 [11]    Q = 0.15    logGBF = 14.64

              0   0.154 (17)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              1    3.08 (36)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
              2    1.39 (65)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
              3    0.61 (15)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  

     x[k]          y[k]      f(x[k],p)
        4    0.211 (14)     0.197 (11)  *
        2    0.197 (15)     0.211 (10)  
        1    0.221 (23)     0.209 (14)  
      0.5    0.122 (44)     0.177 (15)  *
     0.25    0.019 (49)     0.125 (13)  **
    0.167    0.112 (40)     0.095 (12)  
    0.125    0.131 (32)     0.077 (11)  *
      0.1    0.076 (26)    0.0641 (96)  
   0.0833    0.032 (22)    0.0550 (87)  *
   0.0714    0.052 (19)    0.0482 (79)  
   0.0625    0.054 (16)    0.0429 (73)  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 15/0.0s)

sfit.p - pexact = [0.005(17) 0.11(36) 0.17(65) 0.02(15)]
chi2/dof [dof] = 0.031 [4]    Q = 1
======================================== simulation
Least Squares Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.72 [11]    Q = 0.72    logGBF = 18.305

              0   0.144 (16)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  
              1    2.89 (33)     [     0 ± 20 ]  
              2    1.02 (56)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  *
              3    0.57 (14)     [    0 ± 1.0 ]  

     x[k]          y[k]      f(x[k],p)
        4    0.210 (14)     0.193 (12)  *
        2    0.193 (15)     0.213 (10)  *
        1    0.225 (23)     0.216 (15)  
      0.5    0.193 (44)     0.183 (16)  
     0.25    0.123 (49)     0.127 (14)  
    0.167    0.095 (40)     0.095 (12)  
    0.125    0.054 (32)     0.076 (11)  
      0.1    0.047 (26)    0.0628 (96)  
   0.0833    0.083 (22)    0.0536 (86)  *
   0.0714    0.052 (19)    0.0467 (78)  
   0.0625    0.034 (16)    0.0414 (71)  

  svdcut/n = 1e-12/0    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 10/0.0s)

sfit.p - pexact = [-0.004(16) -0.09(33) -0.20(56) -0.02(14)]
chi2/dof [dof] = 0.056 [4]    Q = 0.99

The parameters sfit.p produced by the simulated fits agree well with the original fit parameters pexact=fit.pmean, with good fits in each case. We calculate the chi**2 for the difference sfit.p - pexact in each case; good chi**2 values validate the parameter values, standard deviations, and correlations.

Goodness of Fit

The quality of a fit is often judged by the value of chi**2/N, where N is the number of degrees of freedom. Conventionally we expect chi**2/N to be of order 1 ± sqrt(2/N) since fluctuations in the mean values of the data are of order the uncertainties in the data. More precisely the means are assumed to be random samples drawn from a Gaussian distribution whose means are given by the best-fit function and whose covariance matrix comes from the data. There are two situations where this measure of goodness-of-fit becomes unreliable.

The first situation is when there is a large SVD cut on the data. As discussed in SVD Cuts and Inadequate Statistics, an SVD cut increases the uncertainties in the data without increasing the random fluctuations in the data means. As a result contributions from the parts of the chi**2 function affected by the SVD cut tend to be much smaller than naively expected, artificially pulling chi**2/N down.

The second situation that compromises chi**2 is when some or all of the priors used in a fit are broad — that is, when a fit result for a parameter has a much smaller uncertainty than the corresponding prior, but a mean that is artificially close to the prior’s mean. This often arises when the means used in the priors are not random samples, which is frequently the case (unlike for the fit data). Again contributions to chi**2 associated with such priors tend to be much smaller than naively expected, pulling chi**2 down.

These complications can conspire to make chi**2/N significantly less than 1 when the fit is good. Of greater concern, they can mask evidence of a bad fit: chi**2/N 1 is not necessarily evidence of a good fit in such situations.

A simple way to address these situations is to redo the fit with keyword parameter noise=True. This causes lsqfit.nonlinear_fit to add extra fluctuations to the means in the prior and the data that are characteristic of the probability distributions associated with the priors and the SVD cut, respectively:

prior =>  prior + (gv.sample(prior) - gv.mean(prior))
    y =>  y + gv.sample(y.correction)

These fluctuations should leave fit results unchanged (within errors) but increase chi**2/N so it is of order one.

To add this test to the fit from SVD Cuts and Inadequate Statistics, we modify the code to include a second fit at the end:

import numpy as np
import gvar as gv
import lsqfit

def main():
    ysamples = [
        [0.0092441016, 0.0068974057, 0.0051480509, 0.0038431422, 0.0028690492],
        [0.0092477405, 0.0069030565, 0.0051531383, 0.0038455855, 0.0028700587],
        [0.0092558569, 0.0069102437, 0.0051596569, 0.0038514537, 0.0028749153],
        [0.0092294581, 0.0068865156, 0.0051395262, 0.003835656, 0.0028630454],
        [0.009240534, 0.0068961523, 0.0051480046, 0.0038424661, 0.0028675632],
    y = gv.dataset.avg_data(ysamples)
    x = np.array([15., 16., 17., 18., 19.])
    def fcn(p):
        return p['a'] * gv.exp(- p['b'] * x)
    prior = gv.gvar(dict(a='0.75(5)', b='0.30(3)'))
    fit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(data=y, prior=prior, fcn=fcn, svdcut=0.0028)

    print('\n================ Add noise to prior, SVD')
    noisyfit = lsqfit.nonlinear_fit(
        data=y, prior=prior, fcn=fcn, svdcut=0.0028, noise=True,

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running this code gives the following output:

Least Square Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.38 [5]    Q = 0.86    logGBF = 53.598

              a    0.74338 (29)      [ 0.750 (50) ]  
              b   0.292480 (42)      [ 0.300 (30) ]  

  svdcut/n = 0.0028/3    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 5/0.0)

================ Add noise to prior, SVD
Least Square Fit:
  chi2/dof [dof] = 0.81 [5]    Q = 0.54    logGBF = 52.523

              a    0.74343 (29)      [ 0.803 (50) ]  *
              b   0.292485 (42)      [ 0.314 (30) ]  

      key            y[key]         f(p)[key]
        0    0.0092436 (39)    0.0092443 (32)  
        1    0.0068987 (35)    0.0069000 (26)  
        2    0.0051496 (30)    0.0051502 (21)  
        3    0.0038437 (23)    0.0038441 (17)  
        4    0.0028689 (17)    0.0028693 (14)  

  svdcut/n = 0.0028/3*    tol = (1e-08*,1e-10,1e-10)    (itns/time = 5/0.0)

The fit with extra noise has a larger chi**2, as expected, but is still a good fit. It also gives fit parameters that agree within errors with those from the original fit. In general, there is probably something wrong with the original fit (e.g., svdcut too small, or priors inconsistent with the fit data) if adding noise makes chi**2/N signficantly larger than one, or changes the best-fit values of the parameters significantly.

Fit Residuals and Q-Q Plots

It can be useful to examine the normalized residuals from a fit (in array fit.residuals). These are the differences between the data and the corresponding values from the fit function using the best-fit values for the fit parameters. The differences are projected onto the eigenvectors of the correlation matrix and normalized by dividing by the square root of the corresponding eigenvalues. The statistical assumptions underlying lsqfit.nonlinear_fit imply that the normalized fit residuals should be uncorrelated and distributed randomly about zero in a Gaussian distribution.

One way to test whether residuals from a fit have a Gaussian distribution is to make a Q-Q plot. Plots for the two fits from the previous section (one without extra noise on the left, and the other with noise) are:

_images/eg10e1.png _images/eg10e2.png

These plots were made using

by adding the following lines at the end of the main() method:


In each case the residuals are first ordered, from smallest to largest. They are then plotted against the value expected for a residual at that position in the list if the list elements were drawn at random from a Gaussian distribution of unit width and zero mean. (For example, given 100 samples from the Gaussian distribution, the sample in position 16 of the ordered list should have a value around -1 since 16% of the values should be more than one standard deviation below the mean.) The residuals are consistent with a Gaussian distribution if they fall on or near a straight line in such a plot.

The plots show fits of the residuals to straight lines (red solid lines). The residuals in the left plot (without additional noise) are reasonably consistent with a straight line (and, therefore, a Gaussian distribution), but the slope (0.55) is much less than one. This is because chi2/dof = 0.38 for this fit is much smaller than one. Typically we expect the slope to be roughly the square root of chi2/dof (since chi2 equals the sum of the residuals squared).

The residuals in the right plot are also quite linear in the Q-Q plot. In this case the fit residuals include extra noise associated with the priors and with the SVD cut, as discussed in the previous section. As a result chi2/dof = 0.81 is much closer to one, as is the resulting slope (0.90) in the Q-Q plot. The fit line through the residuals is much closer here to the dashed line in the plot, which is what would result if the residuals had unit standard deviation and zero mean.

The fits pictured above have relatively few residuals. Q-Q plots become increasingly compelling as the number of residuals increases. The following plots, from fits without (left) and with (right) prior/SVD noise, come from a lattice QCD analysis with 383 residuals:

_images/bmixing1.png _images/bmixing2.png